Is Heaven Real?
The Bible explains that heaven is a real place where your soul and spirit live forever. We know heaven is real because
Jesus Christ came from heaven to overcome death and open Heaven’s door for us.
We also know heaven is real because of Christ’s resurrection from the dead, as witnessed by many people. Death could not hold Him—and neither can it hold us!
Only one thing will keep us out of Heaven, and that is our sin. But Christ came into the world to conquer sin’s power—and He did this by becoming the final sacrifice for our sins through His death on the cross. As sinners, we can’t get to heaven on our own —but Jesus made a way for you to go there by paying the price for your sins on the cross.
Put your faith in Jesus Christ today and know that you will have eternal life in
heaven. As Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies” (John 11:25).
Are my donations tax deductible? Heaven Is True is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in the state of Georgia. All donations are tax deductible if you itemize your deductions. We suggest you consult with your accountant for further guidance.
Where do my donations go? All funds invested in the mission of Heaven Is True are used to support our mission. We strive to keep our cost to serve at bare minimum. Our ministry is staffed totally utilizing volunteers, serve debt free, and utilize office space at no cost.
What is Heaven is True? HeavenisTrue.com is designed as a resource for non-believers, seekers, new and mature Christians. Our purpose is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ; help each other to grow in faith as Christians, and to help and encourage people to spread the Gospel by sharing their redemption story.
How large is the Staff? Heaven is True was founded by a group of like-minded believers that are committed to sharing the Gospel. Everyone involved in Heaven Is True participates as volunteers and we have no paid staff. Click here to see our video on how Heaven Is True was born.
Where is Heaven Is True located? We are in the greater Atlanta, GA area; however, we are focused on sharing the gospel throughout the world.
Can I speak to someone at Heaven Is True? Please send a request including name and phone number to [email protected]. Someone within our organization will reach out to you.
Is “Heaven is True” engaged with a specific church? Heaven is True is not affiliated with a specific church or denomination. Please see “About Us” to learn more about Heaven Is True.
What are QR Code Cards? These are leave behind cards containing a simple message encouraging others to learn how to get to heaven by taking our “Am I Going to Heaven Quiz”.
How do I order QR Code Cards so I can hand them out to others? You may order QR Code Cards by clicking this link.
Can you help me pick a church that follows the mission of Heaven is True? The mission of Heaven Is True is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ; help each other grow in faith as Christians, and to help and encourage people to spread the Gospel. Check out our Set to Grow section for thoughts and ideas on how to find a local church.
I am new to Christianity. Is there a mentor or other resources available to equip me with my faith journey? Please visit our SET to Grow section of Heavenistrue.com. There are many tools and resources for Christians interested in growing their faith including: a free subscription to the largest streaming platform of biblical videos, a free NIV Bible, access to free bible and prayer apps, in addition to suggestions on how to find a local church.
Is there a group I can join? Heaven Is True does not have specific groups to join, however, we encourage you to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. We are constantly posting new content and providing updates through our social media platforms.
How do I access your videos? Heaven Is True, through our generous partners and donors offer a free subscription to over 25,000+ Christian videos. Click here to join for free now.
Can I invite my friends and family to RightNowMedia? Our goal is to encourage and inspire ALL with the good news of the Gospel. Once you have enrolled with a free subscription, you are encouraged to invite your friends and family to also enjoy at no charge. To invite others copy and paste this link: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/join/PSIDISCS
Can I watch the videos on a television? RightNowMedia videos can be cast to any Internet-enabled TV from your computer or smart phone.
Are their shipping and handling costs when I request a bible? We are pleased to send you a Bible. This gift is provided to you free by others who care about you.
Can I order more than one bible? Due to the costs involved, we limit requests for bibles to one free bible per person. If you have a need for more bibles, please reach out to
[email protected]
Shared Redemption stories
How do I upload my personal redemption story? The easiest way to upload your video is to first upload it to youtube.com. In YouTube you can select your video to be private or public. After uploading, copy the URL and email it to [email protected]. Once we have reviewed and approved, it will be added to our library of Heaven Is True stories. Click here to see other personal stories of redemption.
Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
Scripture presents conclusive evidence that Jesus Christ was in fact resurrected from the dead. Christ’s resurrection is recorded in Matthew 28:1-20; Mark 16:1-20; Luke 24:1-53; and John 20:1–21:25. The resurrected Christ also appeared in the Book of Acts (Acts 1:1-11). From these passages you can gain several “proofs” of Christ’s resurrection. Another convincing proof is the empty tomb. If Christ were not raised, then where is His body? The disciples and others saw the tomb where He was buried. When they returned, His body was not there. Angels declared that He had been raised from the dead as He had promised (Matthew 28:5-7). Fourth, additional evidence of His resurrection is the many people He appeared to (Matthew 28:5, 9, 16-17; Mark 16:9; Luke 24:13-35; John 20:19, 24, 26-29, 21:1-14; Acts 1:6-8; 1 Corinthians 15:5-7).

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