
Whether you’re a new believer or have followed Jesus for years, the thought of talking about the Gospel can seem overwhelming or even scary. Sharing your faith, also known as evangelism, doesn’t have to be complicated or scary! In fact, God often opens doors for us to share in daily ways. If you are a believer, Jesus calls us in Matthew 28:19-20 to share our faith. That is our mission until Jesus returns. The good news is Jesus didn’t just call us; he gave us others to learn from, starting with His disciples. If we look at how Jesus discipled His disciples and in turn how His disciples went out to share after Jesus’ ascension,, we can learn a few Evangelism tips

1. Always Start with Prayer

Before you share your faith, start by praying for guidance and boldness. Ask God to help you notice opportunities to talk about Jesus in your daily life. Ask for words and softened hearts before meeting with anyone. The Holy Spirit is one of the greatest helpers in evangelism as we see Jesus remind His disciples in Acts 1:8. If we ask Him for help, He will be with us.

2. Build Genuine Relationships

Evangelism is most effective when it flows from a genuine relationship. People are more likely to listen and consider what you are saying when they know you care. Be intentional about building friendships with your neighbors, coworkers, or anyone God places in your life. Be friendly, and listen to their stories. Be a source of encouragement or comfort, and let your actions reflect the love of Christ. Don’t worry about trying to be perfect around them, and be sure to share your own struggles. People tend to be more open to listening when they see how you’ve struggled with similar situations to theirs.

3. Always Be Prepared To Share Your Story

Your story of how you came to know, love and follow Christ, or your personal testimony, is one of the most powerful tools in sharing your faith. You don’t need to have a dramatic story—simply share what God has done in your life. How has Jesus changed you? How has He provided peace, hope, or guidance? Personal stories are relatable and can open the door for deeper spiritual conversations. Have yours prepared in your head, so that you can easily share a 60 second or 90 second version of your story the next time God gives you an opening in a conversation. 

4. Use Daily Conversations

Ask God for opportunities to weave faith into your daily conversations. You don’t have to force the topic—sometimes a simple mention of how God has answered a prayer can lead to questions. If someone shares a problem or fear, you can offer to pray for them. You can also ask questions that spark curiosity, such as, “What do you think about faith?” or “Do you have any interest in spiritual things?” You will often get a good understanding of where this person might be by their response, and know how to respond from there. It’s always a good idea to step back from the spiritual conversation if you feel the person gets defensive, and ask God to soften their heart for any future conversations.

5. Simple Is Often Better

The Gospel is powerful enough in its simplicity. You don’t need to be a Bible scholar or a super mature Christian to share it. Focus on the basics of the Gospel, such as the foundations we share on our website: God loves us, but our sin separates us from Him. Jesus came to restore that relationship by dying for our sins and overcoming death once and for all. We can receive forgiveness and eternal life by trusting in and following Him. Simple, honest conversations about Jesus are often the most impactful for people who may be seeking.

6. Be a Living Example

We all know actions speak louder than our words. Let the way you live reflect what you believe. Often, people will notice something is “different” and may even ask you about it. Whether it’s showing kindness, extending forgiveness, or remaining peaceful in tough times, your life can be a witness to God’s love. 

7. Provide Resources

If someone shows interest in learning more, offer them resources like a Bible, Christian book, or even invite them to church. You can also direct them to our website or podcasts that explain the Gospel in greater detail. Sometimes people need some time to explore Christianity before they’re ready to make a decision about Jesus.

8. Trust God with the Results

Last, but definitely not least, always trust God with any conversation that you have. It’s not your job to “convert” anyone; only Jesus can change hearts. All He asks is that you are willing to share your story. (1 Corinthians 3:6). Some people may not respond right away, but don’t be discouraged and give up. God can use your efforts, even if you don’t see the immediate results.We are excited for you to start sharing your faith, and pray God uses it in big ways to encourage others in their spiritual journey. Remember to start with small steps, pray for guidance, and trust God to use you in everyday moments. If you need some prayer or encouragement, always feel free to post a prayer request to our Prayer Wall, and our team would love to pray for you.